▶ [ JAPANESE(日本語)]
3D-NIXUS (R) is the 3DCG system, especially for TV broadcasting, which carries out the high quality rendered 3DCG animation in real time.
* [ 3D-NIXUS ] sales information
* NIXUS is the registered trademarkof Nikko Telecommunications Co., Ltd.▶Nikko Telecommunications Co., Ltd.
* NIXUS is the registered trademarkof Nikko Telecommunications Co., Ltd.▶Nikko Telecommunications Co., Ltd.
■About 3D-NIXUS
"3D-NIXUS" was jointly developed by fusion of 3D handling technology cultivated over the many years of
our company, and the broadcast system handling technology over the many years of
"Nikko Telecommunications Co., Ltd." as a multiple-purpose real-time CG system mainly used on
CG platform for broadcast.
our company, and the broadcast system handling technology over the many years of
"Nikko Telecommunications Co., Ltd." as a multiple-purpose real-time CG system mainly used on
CG platform for broadcast.
3D-NIXUS Workflow
By improvement in 3DCG technology, it has been tended to complicate data.
It is expected that the labor of a data design continues to increase.
The performance of hardware improves further and more information can be handled now.
"I would like to do differing from the other company." "I would like to be differentiated."
To such a request, it will be necessary to take effective use of CG property into consideration
besides the labor of the data work in a monolithic system.
Moreover, there is possibility of outsourcing by more advanced needs.
CG authoring environment of the standard of "3D-NIXUS" has adopted "3dsMAX" series
of Autodesk. This realizes the effective workflow for solving the above problems.
It is expected that the labor of a data design continues to increase.
The performance of hardware improves further and more information can be handled now.
"I would like to do differing from the other company." "I would like to be differentiated."
To such a request, it will be necessary to take effective use of CG property into consideration
besides the labor of the data work in a monolithic system.
Moreover, there is possibility of outsourcing by more advanced needs.
CG authoring environment of the standard of "3D-NIXUS" has adopted "3dsMAX" series
of Autodesk. This realizes the effective workflow for solving the above problems.

The indispensable "sport coder" system in sport relay broadcast programs, such as baseball and soccer,which carries out OA of the huge game information correctly and quickly.
The system which visualizes various information by the vision effect with impact.
The "virtual field" system which gives visually a synthetic indication of the ski jumping and the golf game which utilized virtual CG technology intelligibly.
■3D telop system library for broadcasting
Provides a program library and motion editor for the Broadcast telop system.
Because the telop is treated as a 3D object, it can be edited with a high degree of freedom.
The necessary IN and OUT motions for telop can be set for each take.
Because the telop is treated as a 3D object, it can be edited with a high degree of freedom.
The necessary IN and OUT motions for telop can be set for each take.

Highly flexible ticker motion with 3D control by Motion Editor.

Various wipes can be set up. (The screen shows a circle wipe in action.)

Light running effect motion can be added to the ticker.

3D object data can be imported, such as collada files.
Performance at work
* 3D-NIXUS (R) has been applied successfully to the following programs in Japan.
STV "D! Ambitious -Atuki Dosanko Damashii-" "D! Ambitious -Atuki Dosanko Damashii-"
( *Titles omitted. In random order. )
- AprProfessional baseball 2007, J.LEAGUE (Sport coder)(NTV/YTV/CBC/SUN/HTB/RCC/HOME etc.)
- AprMiddleware for weather system, election results system. (JNN Each bureau)
- Feb 11"Yume project Hokkaidou" (virtual studio)(STV)
- Feb 10...11"TOYOTA BIG AIR 2007" (Sport coder)(HTB)
- Feb 4"Aichi Prefecture gubernatorial election." (virtual)(CTV)
- Jan 20"TVh CUP SKI JUMPING 18TH" (virtual)(TVH)
- Jan 14"STV Cup international ski-jumping game convention " (virtual)(STV)
- Jan 13"HTB Cup international ski-jumping game convention " (virtual/Sport coder)(HTB)
- Jan 8"HBC Cup Ski-Jumping Competition " (virtual/Sport coder)(HBC)
- Jan 6"YUKIJIRUSHI CUP Ski-Jumping Competition " (virtual)(HBC)
- Nov 12"Yume project Hokkaidou" (virtual studio)(STV)
- Oct 21"NIPPON SERIES 2006 First Game NagoyaDome"(virtual/Sport coder)(CBC)
- Sep 3"Yume project Hokkaidou" (virtual studio)(STV)
- Jul 28"Professional baseball NagoyaDome" (virtual)(CBC)
- Jul 2"Yume project Hokkaidou" (virtual studio)(STV)
- Apr 6-8"Professional baseball NagoyaDome" (virtual)(CBC)
- Apr 3-"PIYO TAMA WIDE 430" (Data total, show3D) (YBC)
- Apr-"CHUKYO TV NEWS [REAL TIME]" (virtual) (CTV)
- Mar-"Professional baseball 2006" (Sport coder)(NTV/YTV/CBC/SUN/HTB)
- Feb 5"Ski association of Sapporo Chairman cup jump convention and TVh CUP SKI JUMPING" (Sport coder)(HTB)
- Jan 28"TOYOTA BIG AIR 10th anniversary" (Sport coder)(HTB)
- Jan 27"TOYOTA BIG AIR 10th anniversary Preliminary Round" (Sport coder)(HTB)
- Jan 22"FIS World Cup Ski-Jumping 2006 Sapporo" (virtual)(HBC)
- Jan 15"STV Cup international ski-jumping game convention " (virtual)(STV)
- Jan 14"HTB Cup international ski-jumping game convention " (virtual/Sport coder)(HTB)
- Jan 9"HBC Cup Ski-Jumping Competition " (virtual/Sport coder)(HBC)
- Jan 7"YUKIJIRUSHI CUP Ski-Jumping Competition " (virtual)(HBC)
- Oct 2-"D! Ambitious -Atuki Dosanko Damashii-" (virtual studio)(STV)
- Sep17-18"ANA Open GOLF TOURNAMENT" (virtual:18H Green)(STV)
- Jul 23"Sanyo All Star Baseball Game Japan 2005" (virtual)(ABC)
- Jul 20"HTB SENIOR CLASSIC OPEN" (Sport coder)(HTB)
- Jul 6"Professional baseball NagoyaDome" (virtual)(CBC)
- May20-22"CHUKYO TV. BRIDGESTONE LADIES OPEN" (virtual:18H Green)(CTV)
- Apr 24"Professional baseball NagoyaDome" (virtual)(CBC)
- Apr"UEFA Champions League 04/05" (SKY PerfecTV!)
- Mar"Professional baseball 2005" (NTV/YTV/CBC/SUN/HTB)
- Feb 12"Ski association of Sapporo Chairman cup jump convention and TVh CUP SKI JUMPING" (virtual)(TVH)
- Feb 6"FIS World Cup Ski-Jumping 2005 Sapporo" (virtual)(STV)
- Jan 29"All Japan skiing championship" (virtual)(NBS)
- Jan 16"STV Cup international ski-jumping game convention " (virtual)(STV)
- Jan 15"HTB Cup Ski-Jumping Competition " (virtual)(HTB)
- Jan 10"HBC Cup Ski-Jumping Competition " (virtual/Sport coder)(HBC)
- Jan 8"STV Cup Ski-Jumping Competition " (virtual)(STV)
- Oct 28-31"ABC Championship Golf Tournament (virtual:18H)(ABC)
- Oct 25"NIPPON SERIES 2004 ChunichiDragons vs SeibuLions 7th game. NagoyaDome" (virtual)(CBC)
- Oct 16"NIPPON SERIES 2004 ChunichiDragons vs SeibuLions 1st game. NagoyaDome" (virtual)(CBC)
- Jul 11"NNN Upper House election [Gekisen 2004summer]" (virtual)(Local:CTV)
- Jul 11 "Hyouketu!Live 2004" (virtual)(Local:HBC)
- Jun 9-11 "CHATERAISE QUEEN'S CUP 2004" (virtual:18H)(UHB)
- Apr-Jun "UEFA Champions League" (SKY PerfecTV)
- Mar 3- "THE BASEBALL 2004" (NTV/YTV)
- Feb 1 " Beppu Ohita Mainichi Marathon" (virtual) (RKB)
- Jan 12 "HBC Cup Ski-Jumping Competition " (HBC)
- Jan 11 "2004 STV Cup International Ski jumping Meet"(virtual) (STV)
- Oct 30-Nov 2"ABC Championship Golf Tournament" (virtual:18H)(ABC)
- Sep19-21"ANA Open GOLF TOURNAMENT" (virtual:18H Green)(STV)
- Sep11-15"World Judo Championships" (virtual studio)(CX)
- Aug 7-10"SUN Chlorella classic" (virtual:18H)(HBC)
- Mar ->"THE BASEBALL 2003"(NTV/YTV)
- Mar 1"2003 XEROX SUPER CUP (soccer games)" (NTV)
- Feb-Mar"Professional baseball pre-season games"(NTV)
- Jan 26"2003 FIS World Cup Ski jumping Competitions"(virtual) (STV)
- Jan 12"2003 STV Cup International Ski jumping Meet"(virtual) (STV)
- Dec"TOYOTA CUP 2002/ Real Madrid vs.Olympia" (NTV)
- Nov"MLB-Japan: All Star Series Japan 2002"(NTV)
- Oct-Dec "National high school soccer championship"(SDT)
- Aug "J.League (soccer games)"(TVH)
- May-Jun"2002 FIFA World Cup Korea/Japan (R)" (NTV)<
- Mar-Oct"THE BASEBALL 2002" (NTV/YTV)
- *Others
- Nov "2001 World Grand Champions Cup(Volleyball games)"(NTV)
An inquiry, an estimate, etc.
Micronet Co., Ltd.Charge: Development department : Mr.Ito
Big Group BLD. 4F
6, S4, W7,
Chuo-ku, Sapporo, Japan
TEL: +81-11-561-1370
FAX: +81-11-561-0953
(※)The above-mentioned company name and a product name are the trademarks or registered trademarks of each company.
In the text, TM and a R mark do not write clearly except the case of the first appearance.
In the text, TM and a R mark do not write clearly except the case of the first appearance.